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据 ju

Home Pinyin ju

根据 gēnjù according to; depending; pursuance; pursuant

拮据 jiéjù penury

据称 jùchēng alleged; allegedly; supposedly

据此 jùcǐ accordingly; thereunder; whereby

据点 jùdiǎn stronghold; strongholds

据说 jùshuō it is said; reportedly

据悉 jùxī it is reported that

论据 lùnjù argument; arguments

票据 piàojù bills

收据 shōujù receipt

数据 shùjù data

数据库 shùjùkù database

依据 yījù in accordance with

占据 zhànjù occupy

证据 zhèngjù evidence; evidences; evidential

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce